Certifications and environmental policy
Patent Druk team’s priority is to deliver products both in line with customer expectations and complied with principles of environmental protection, employees’ rights and in accordance with the FSC® values listed in “FSC-POL-01-004 Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC®“.
Licence number: FSC-C176371
FSC certification number: SGSCH-COC-070552.
The company has been assessed against the following standards:
FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1 – Chain of custody certification
FSC-STD-50-001 Requirements for the use of FSC trademarks by certificate holders.
The implementation and compliance with the environmental and FSC® policy is supported by the management system based on ISO 14001:2015 and FSC-STD-40-004 v3-1 standard.
At our printing house we:
- fulfil legal obligations and other requirements, such as environemental protection and health and safety regulations;
- implement measures to protect the environment and prevent environmental pollution;
- comply with the FSC® employee rights requirements and Polish labor law;
- constantly improve environmental management system and FSC®.
We don’t engage in activities related to:
- illegal harvesting and trading of timber or forest products;
- violation of common and civil law during forest and wood processing;
- destroying essential forests’ protective qualities, turning forests into plantations, intensive logging;
- implementing GMOs into forests.
This policy is known to all employees who committed to follow it.